Sugar Plum Fairy
When: 2024/12
Status: On Hold
Jenna Bresky, Elias Hatzandonis
This is a game about a little robot who has to explore procedurally generated dungeons in search of batteries to continue to the next floor. After grabbing the first battery on a floor, a countdown timer starts. The player must collect enough batteries within the level to power the elevator and get out before the timer ends.
The little robot has extremely low health. Just two hits and it breaks. The player defends theirself from enemies by parrying attacks, which builds up a static charge, and quickly discharging onto an enemy.
One of my favorite parts about the game is the fact that it uses 100% custom lighting and shading. I have my own light source objects with various parameters that let me customize their visuals, including an HDR gradient to define how objects should be lit based on the calculated lighting value in the shader. It's pretty decently optimized too, only regenerating the gradient and texture data when changed. Because the lighting is rather simple, I'm actually able to process quite a few lights at once.
We started working on it near the end of 2024. The plan was for this to be UmeYume's first commercially released game. Due to scheduling issues with the team, it is currently unfinished.